The Vulkan-o erupts - Citra Vulkan is here!

Hey there, Citra fans! (We haven’t used that one for a while, have we?) You’ve all wanted it and we’ve heard your cries and pleas. Vulkan has arrived and is here to stay, available now in the latest Citra release! Why Vulkan? Since the dawn of time — well, since Citra’s creation — many, many users have requested we add support for the Vulkan Graphics API; providing better performance in many cases and better support on devices, especially Android.

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Citra Progress Report 2023 Q2

Doesn’t it feel like it was just yesterday when Citra released its first progress report in years? It certainly was exciting, finally reaching a point of having tangible progress and being able to share it with everyone! As we said in the previous progress report, Citra is alive and well, and as a result, we have even more Citra improvements to talk about. So, dear reader, it’s time for another progress report which is sure to excite you!

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Citra Mega Progress Report 2020 Q2~2023 Q1

Welcome back to another Citra Mega Progress Report! Yes! We aren’t dead! First off, we do apologize for the wait, we are still lacking a full-time writer. In the meantime, Citra community moderator autumnburra and developer FearlessTobi have come together with the assistance of another community moderator, SleepingSnake, to provide you, the Citra community, with this awesome report on all the changes we’ve had in Citra since 2020 Q2! If you have been keeping up to date with messages posted in the #development channel in our Discord server, you may already be aware of some of these.

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